Monday, February 26, 2007

Eating out

TRADITIONAL cheese and onion sandwiches, known locally in the Black Country as cobs, have been taken off a pub menu after 80 years of healthy eating. The cling film-wrapped cobs were banned from sale when inspectors raised concerns they were not refrigerated. The move ended years of tradition at the old-fashioned Beacon Hotel. Stunned by the decision, drinkers gathered 90 names on a protest petition in just four days. Landlord John Hughes said: “We’ve got these English pubs and there’s nothing like them anywhere in the world. Tourists come and they are amazed by the original features and the cheese and onion cobs are a little part of that heritage. We keep the pub like a museum and I feel we could have got away without a fridge.” Wolverhampton Express & Star 15/2/07.

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