Sunday, February 18, 2007

Alarm bells

A MEDIEVAL village church could be forced to silence its bells which have chimed for 200 years following a single complaint. A resident is claiming the bells at St Cuthbert’s Church in Halsall, Lancashire, are keeping children awake at night. The complaint was made to the council after the clock was restored after a year out of action. The Rev Paul Robinson said: “We've been told it’s a noise nuisance so we may have to stop the chimes completely or switch them off during certain times. If the Christian faith is about anything, it is how we live as a community, not this society which is all me, me, me.” A spokeswoman for West Lancashire District Council said: “The council has no choice but to take heed of the national legislation which demands that any complaints are fully investigated and that formal action is taken where necessary.” BBC News 12/1/07.

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