Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Goggle boy ban

A TEN year old boy who went swimming at Moorways Leisure Centre, Allenton, was told he could not practise while wearing a plastic snorkel mask because it was a danger to other swimmers. But he would have been fine wearing plastic goggles. Theresa Knight, spokeswoman for Derby City Council, said: “Snorkel masks are banned at swimming pools across the city in case the glass or plastic in them smashes.” She added: “We would have to clear the pool, drain it and then clean it, which would inconvenience a lot of people. We have no signs up indicating which items are banned because we would rather educate people ourselves if we see them taking something into the pool, which is not allowed. We're not planning to put signs up, but it is something we may look into.” Derbygripe.co.uk 2/07.

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