Sunday, February 18, 2007

Veterans liability

WAR veterans across the country have reacted with outrage as remembrance parades are targeted by health and safety killjoys. They have been told the marches cannot go ahead unless they take out public liability insurance, carry out a risk assessment and organise stewards dressed in fluorescent jackets to police the event. Many associations may be forced to cancel ceremonies because of the time and cost of complying with the barmy regulations. North Yorkshire Police said this was the first year they had implemented the stricter rules. “We are concerned with the safety of everyone involved in the parade including those taking part, spectators and our own officers,” a spokesman said. “All event organisers must comply with health and safety legislation for both their protection and that of the general public. Without it, the organisers would be held personally liable for any injuries or damage caused as a result of the parade.” But veterans say the politically correct edicts are an insult to their comrades who died fighting fascism.Association chairman Peter Lee-Hale said: “The whole thing is ridiculous. We’re only marching less than a mile. We went to war to fight fascism but it’s our police who are acting like Hitler.” Sunday Express 8/9/06.

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