Sunday, February 18, 2007

Lollypop licked

CALLS for a lollipop lady on a busy road in Huddersfield have been rejected because it is too dangerous. Stunned parents argued that was why they wanted a crossing patrol there in the first place. But a council’s highways chiefs denied the request on “health and safety grounds” and said it was down to mums and dads to get kids to school safely. The lollipop lady would have helped pupils going to Reinwood Community Junior School in Marsh, Huddersfield, West Yorks. School head Graham Altoft said: “It seems bizarre. What about the health and safety of the children crossing the road?” The Sun 16/11/06.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is important to be aware that there is a difference between the guidance and legislation that the HSE publishes, and the sometimes bizarre measures that local councils, schools and other organisations impose in the name of health and safety. Often they are simply trying to avoid falling foul of the 'compo culture'.