Thursday, February 22, 2007

Condom push blown

VOLUNTEER workers in the Lothians have been banned from issuing condoms to under-16s despite a rise in the number of teenage pregnancies. NHS Lothian ruled that only staff on the official payroll could hand out contraceptives and advice to under-16s. It said restricting contact to “suitably trained people” would ensure the safety and protection of children. Critics claimed hundreds of teenagers would be at risk of falling pregnant or catching sexually transmitted diseases. Dr Dean Marshall, deputy chairman of the BMA’s Scottish GP committee, said the NHS was becoming “risk averse”. He said: “My concern is that child protection is used frequently as a reason for doing things.” The Family Planning Association in Scotland also condemned the decision. Director Tim Street said it was a “great shame” that child protection issues were making it more difficult to put the message across to young people. BBC News 22/5/06.

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