Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Finger-licking bad

HEALTH officials have warned Britain’s TV chiefs to clean up their act. They claim the television cooks are flouting basic hygiene rules as they demonstrate their recipes. According to the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, Jamie Oliver tends to spray saliva over ingredients as he speaks. He is also accused of licking his fingers and then dipping them into dishes. Nigella Lawson is criticised for keeping her rings on whilst cooking, which health experts say encourages bacteria to lurk. Other chefs, particularly on BBC2’s Ready Steady Cook programme, have been singled out for failing to wash their hands. Another ‘dangerous’ practice is using the same chopping boards for raw meat and vegetables. Channel Four, which shows Nigella Bites, said Miss Lawson’s passion for food was more important than perfect adherence to hygiene rules. A spokesman said: “If we did exactly what should be done all viewers would see would be 30 minutes of Nigella washing her hands.” This is London 27/12/02.

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