Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Crazy paving

A POLICE community support officer has been banned from walking large swathes of her beat because of the lack of pavements in the rural area. Mrs Pooley complained she felt unsafe because of the risk of being hit by vehicles as she pounded the streets. Senior officers at Gloucestershire Police agreed she should not walk the beat for “health and safety” reasons. Instead, she now makes her rounds by car through the narrow streets. The decision has been branded “crazy” by incredulous villagers in the communities of South Cerney and Cerney Wick, near Cirencester, Gloucestershire. Parish council clerk Maurice McKee asked: “Do criminals need footpaths to carry out crimes? And if they don’t, why do police need a footpath to patrol?” Pub landlord Martin Smith, who runs the Royal Oak in South Cerney, said: “It's crazy. We’re all up in arms about it. She should still be walking the streets. Why not - they have fluorescent jackets don’t they?” Daily Mail 21/10/06.

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