Thursday, February 22, 2007

Trafalgar squares

PLASTIC signs have been put up in Trafalgar Square’s fountains, banning visitors from paddling in the water. The signs, branded “tacky” by critics, have appeared 160 years after the first fountains were built on the site. The ban spells the end for an age-old tradition of cooling down in the square’s waters on a hot summer’s day - often after a few drinks. Some of Britain’s finest hours, including VE Day and football and rugby world cup victories, have also been celebrated there. The signs - four in each of the two fountains - state “Not safe for public use” and come complete with no entry symbols. The move is thought to have been largely prompted by fears that the Great London Authority (GLA) could be sued by revellers who injure themselves slipping over in the water. This is London 2/6/05.

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